Is your practice overlooking this important step in the infection control process?
Infection control is still on everyone's mind.
Michelle Strange sheds light on a step often missed.

One of the main goals behind any infection control procedure is to ensure the sterilization and maintenance of dental unit waterlines. It has been well established that good quality water run through the dental unit waterlines is essential, but it is even more vital to carry out testing, shocking, and treatment of the waterlines to clean any biofilm buildup. Biofilm in the lines can make the process less safe for patients, and unclean instruments could contribute to contamination and the spread of infection.
Dental offices are testing and shocking the dental unit waterlines, but our concern for patient safety doesn’t stop there. Cleanliness of air/water syringes should be a priority to prevent cross-contamination or an infection control breach. These tools are simple, and because of this, they’re often neglected and forgotten. The consequences of this small, often-overlooked detail could be disastrous for a dental practice. Disposable tips are a good alternative to the reusable tips that require sterilization.1