Podcasts for dental hygienists offer opportunities for learning
If there's a topic you want to know more about, there's a dental hygiene podcast for it. Karen Davis. BSDH, RDH, describes how she came to love learning with her ears.
Did you know that if a woman is pregnant and has the genetic variation methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and has a history of consuming processed foods high in synthetic folic acid, it could increase the risk of midline defects in the baby, such as ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) and spina bifida?
Are you aware that the majority of women are deficient in vitamins D and K, yet it is not routine to test for these vitamin levels at most initial ob-gyn visits?
Vitamins D and K are essential to assist in the absorption of calcium, and its delivery to the hard structures of the body is critical for optimal oral-facial development. If a pregnancy begins with vitamin deficiencies, it may be impossible for a woman to catch up, even if she supplements with prenatal vitamins, because not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. Ideally, a pregnant woman should consume whole-food prenatal vitamins, such as Innate Response Formulas, to increase bioavailability. A couple of easy ways to consume healthy omega-3 oils are to sauté vegetables in avocado oil or to eat sardine boats, which are lettuce leaves wrapped around sardines with a splash of hot sauce.